Automatization of arranging vacations for KIA Motors

  • Customer

    Kia Motor Corporation is South Korea's second-largest automobile manufacturer, following the Hyundai Motor Company, with sales of over 3.3 million vehicles in 2015.

  • Goals
    • To decrease the life cycle of the vacation arranging process;
    • To decrease financial expenditure on expandable materials.
  • Tasks
    • To exclude mistakes which result in agreement delays and document losses from the process of arranging vacations;
    • To reduce labor costs on the process of arranging vacations;
    • To switch from paper to electronic media.
  • Solution

    To assign employees’ functions (notification, transfer and storage) in the process of arranging vacations to a computer programme. Automatization of the vacation arranging process on the customer’s corporate portal.

  • Solution description

    The automatization of the vacation arranging process is divided into two stages:

    • Agreement of a vacation plan;
    • Agreement of vacation applications.

    Annually on the first day of January the system distributes an information letter to all employees so that they could plan their vacations within two months.

    Three stages of agreement are realized in the system:

    • Those who agree on a vacation plan;
    • Those who agree on a planned vacation;
    • Those who agree on an unplanned vacation.

    Agreement of a vacation plan

    An employee creates a vacation plan in the system and sends it to be agreed, indicating:

    • Vacation type;
    • Period.

    The agreement is a cyclic process connected with a group of employees “Those who agree on a vacation plan”:

    1. Notification to a person who takes part in an agreement;
    2. Waiting for an agreement result;
    3. Transfer to the next person who takes part in an agreement.

    The vacation plan is considered to be agreed when all those taking part in the agreement sign it. In case of any deviations the vacation plan is sent to the applicant to be corrected.

  • Agreement of a vacation application

    This process finishes the process of arranging a vacation. The agreement of a vacation application is organized in the same way as the agreement of a vacation plan but in a different agreement group:

    • Those who agree on a planned vacation, that is a vacation that has been planned.
    • Those who agree on an unplanned vacation.

    The vacation application is considered agreed when all those taking part in the agreement sign it. In case of any deviations the vacation plan is sent to the applicant to be corrected.

    The system creates an order in ERP System for all agreed applications.

  • System features

    • The system checks if vacations of employees in the same department intersect;
    • If one of those who takes part in the agreement process is absent, the agreement takes an alternative route;
    • The system inserts the agreed vacations into employees and chief’s electron calendars.
  • Results

    • Financial expenditure on expandable materials (paper, printer ink) has been excluded;
    • The life cycle of the arranging vacation process has been reduced for 30%.

    Currently the company “FMF” is technically supporting the customer.

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